Pet food and specialty ingredients manufacturer in Kansas City required a QA Manager to design and implement food safety and quality programs and ensure internal documentation and facility audits meet all required food safety laws, regulations and policies. 3P...
Privately owned horticulture and fresh cut herb business in California with 1,200+ employees across multiple sites required a VP Sales to provide top-level leadership, direction, and decision-making to maximize business results and achieve volume and profit...
A Private Equity firm sought a Plant Manager to implement KPIs and best practices at an ice cream facility in the Central Valley. 3P Partners successfully placed a Plant Manager with a background in Lean Six-Sigma and 20+ years of experience in plants requiring...
Private equity group approached 3P Partners to conduct a search for a CEO to develop a corporate strategy and implement performance metrics for a rice milling business in Arkansas. 3P Partners were able to identify several candidates with extensive industry experience...
Dry corn milling company approached 3P Partners to assist in their search for a Plant Manager to provide strategic direction, oversight and general management for the company. 3P Partners head hunted a Civil Engineering West Point graduate with 10 years of milling...
Large privately held grain business in California required an Independent Board Member with a proven track record in natural and organic food, retail food, agronomy, or grain trading/commodity markets to assess strategic opportunities and optimize results for...